MetDaan is a global, digital lifestyle community dedicated to creating content, as well as discovering and publishing unique content from the world’s best creators. With more than +192 million subscribers across various platforms, MetDaan is regarded as a worldwide, top content creator and curator in different niches. Through the content we share on our platforms every day, we aim to empower women anywhere, anytime, and in any field.
This International Women’s Day, we are taking a moment to celebrate amazing women from around the world. We specifically want to honor the female content creators we work with, for having an immense impact on fellow women, empowering, inspiring, and motivating them to be better and do better. We also want to recognize the work of our own women team members, without the hard work of whom all our achievements as a company would not have been possible.
Speaking in numbers, 55% of our team members are women, most of them being in senior or leadership positions. We take our mission to empower women very seriously, so we focus our company policies on eliminating the glass ceiling, ensuring that the most qualified candidates hold decision-making positions. We take pride in providing equal access, treatment, and opportunities for all genders, as any workplace should.
At MetDaan, we are firm believers that the empowerment of women is essential to the betterment of society. Women are absolutely thriving in the content creation industry, and we are leveraging our audience of billions to help them reach more people. We are proud to have so many women working with us! – Arben Berisha, CEO at MetDaan
Moreover, our community of content creators is comprised of 85% women. MetDaan is a highly curated marketplace across different categories, including Fashion, Beauty, Home, Kitchen + Food, Fitness, DIY, Travel, and more. The content we curate from female creators often reaches peak performance in terms of video views, engagement, and video average watch time. Based on the feedback we receive from these creators, MetDaan is an essential part of their creative journey. We give them the opportunity to monetize their creativity and showcase their work on our platforms that reach global audiences. Here’s what some of them had to say about working with us, on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
“I am happy that MetDaan found me a long time ago, I am infinitely glad that they appreciated my art and gave me the opportunity to convey my work to a huge number of viewers! This is so important for all artists. I follow their pages and see they give this opportunity to sooo many talented people! I think everybody is eternally grateful to you for this!” – Sveta Sanders, Beauty Content Creator
“I congratulate all women on International Women’s Day. I want to wish them love, professional and creative realization, joy, and happiness. May the most daring dreams and plans come true. I also want to thank MetDaan team for the pleasant cooperation. Thanks to you, I once again had a desire to create something new, interesting, and educational for such a large audience. I am very happy to be a part of your community.” – MiLena, Needlework Content Creator
“The MetDaan platform has opened up new opportunities for me and my business. I get widely known not only in social networks of my country, but they [fans] write to me from all over Europe, America, Africa, and even Australia. The platform perfectly monetizes my content and inspires me to shoot training videos on podology, manicure and pedicure even more. I hope that I will become a top blogger on my platforms and on the platforms of the MetDaan group of companies. Work, get inspired and there will definitely be a result!” – Alena Lavrenteva, Beauty Content Creator
“You have to believe in order to succeed. I have confidence in myself. I have worked well to realize my dreams. I have established a solid partnership and friendship. For this, I would like to thank MetDaan company and its team. The content published by MetDaan is inspiring, you can improve yourself by watching them and making your dreams come true. Happy International Women’s Day!” – Melek Cepni Koc, Cutting and Sewing Content Creator
It is no secret that the future is female, and the achievements of women across cultural, political, and socio-economic spheres are expanding. While we mark International Women’s Day, we commemorate the hard work all women do worldwide, not only in the content creation industry but in all spheres of life. So, to all women, Happy International Women’s Day!